Monday, July 23, 2007

War, War Never Changes

I have been waiting for Fallout 3 for a looong time. Being an avid fan of the first two parts by Black Isle Studio (may the company rest in peace), I was somewhat excited when the news surfaced that Bethesda Softworks acquired the rights to develop a sequel to the series. Although information is pretty scarce, and the teaser movie is pretty non-descriptive, the promotional artwork on the Bethesda website looks quite promising.

Let's just hope the Bethesda guys do not make the game as generic as the last of the Elder Scrolls series, Oblivion, was, and preserve the unique setting and distinct black humor of this game.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

To see with eyes unclouded by hate

One of my all-time-favourite movies, if not the favourite, is Princess Mononoke, a Japanese Anime movie directed Hayao Miyazaki. I can only recommended watching this movie, since it is really different than your standard Tolkien-like western fantasy epic. The story is rich, there is no black-and-white good guy vs. bad guy confrontation, and the animation is really amazing.

Here's the trailer of the English dubbed version.

Although it look likes as if it is a children's fairy tale like some other animes by Hayao Miyazaki like "Spirited Away" or "Howl's moving castle", I can tell you it is not. In my humble opinion, it is not even suitable for children, let's say below the age of fourteen, due to the graphic violence it contains.